There is That of God in Each of Us
Friends believe that there is that of God in each of us. The central tenets of Quakerism are called testimonies, and are often remembered with the acronym SPICES: Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality and Stewardship
On Thursday mornings, the school comes together for Quakerism study and worship. Each month, a different Quaker testimony (simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, service and stewardship–SPICES) frames study and worship. About once a month, Meeting for Singing, a joyful musical gathering of the school community, is held in the Meeting House. Teachers trained in Faith and Play bring stories of Quaker faith, practice and witness, as well as Bible stories told in a manner reflecting Quaker sensibilities, to students throughout the year.
Meeting for Worship is the centerpiece of the week at West Chester Friends. Each week, we slow our pace and make quiet our lives to gather for Meeting for Worship, a time of silent reflection and meditation. Both children and adults may speak from the silence to share thoughts and reflections. Parents and friends are welcome to attend. The meeting ends with a handshake, an expression of friendship from one to another.