West Chester Monthly Meeting

All Are Welcome!

West Chester Friends School was founded in 1836 by the West Chester Monthly Meeting in accordance with Friends’ longstanding concern with education. Although separately incorporated, the school remains in a caring relationship with the Meeting, and together with the Hickman, form the historic Quaker Block.

The Meeting graciously allows the school access to the meetinghouse for Meeting for Worship each Thursday, and any number of events including music lessons and concerts, PTO and other community meetings and assemblies. WCFS families enjoy many activities with the Meeting including workshops and study times that include Quakerism, Quaker parenting, mindfulness and meditation. Families are welcome at Meeting for Worship on any Sunday morning.

Visit West Chester Monthly Meeting online: https://www.westchesterfriends.org/

“Quakerism is an experiential faith. We come together to learn how to put our testimonies of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, stewardship and equality into daily practice. Each person’s journey may be different, but the shared experience deepens and enriches our lives.

We believe that every person is loved by the Divine Spirit. There are Friends of all ages, religious backgrounds, races, education, sexual orientations, gender identities and classes.

We offer youth religious educational programs, adult religious education classes, social issue presentations, service activities, film nights and shared potluck lunches to strengthen our community ties and grow in faith.”

–from the West Chester Monthly Meeting website